Senate Moves To Denounce UN For Anti-Israel Resolution

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

TEL AVIV – Congressional Republicans are moving quickly to denounce the United Nations for its recent Security Council resolution deeming all Israeli settlements “flagrant violation[s] of international law.”

More than 100 members of Congress have formally condemned the resolution, the Times of Israel reported.

GOP lawmakers in both chambers have decided to introduce resolutions targeted at the UN once Congress reconvenes. Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran and Florida Rep. Dennis Ross are both slated to introduce disapproval resolutions against the international body.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) indicated that he did not know whether the chamber would vote on Moran’s resolution or a similar one.

However, despite the Republican lead on the resolution, several aides have said anti-UN action will receive bipartisan support.

The House will vote as early as next week on a resolution, though the exact details have not been decided, Politico reported.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) also announced his intention to advance an initiative aimed at defunding the United Nations, but it would be unlikely to earn bipartisan support in the Senate, the report said.

The push for anti-UN action comes on the heels of pro-Israel lobby AIPAC’s call to pressure Washington representatives to condemn the UN for “hinder[ing] the peace process” as a result of the Security Council’s anti-settlement resolution.

The Security Council resolution, which passed 14-0, was not vetoed by the U.S. as has been a decades-long policy of previous administrations. The resolution determines that all Israeli settlements, including the Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall, are “occupied Palestinian territory.”


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