JAFFA, Israel – The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey on Monday highlighted the divisions within the Arab world between Russia’s proponents and detractors.

Those divisions were on full display on Arab social media.

Referring to the Turkish assassin, Iraqi Shimriye, a Sunni Iraqi, tweeted: “A nation to which people like that young Turkish man belong is a living nation with a beating heart. God did he ooze emotion, and cried on behalf of a billion and a half Muslims.”

She later added: “May Allah curse the hand that murdered you, my brother the Turkish martyr. You paid with your life for us. May Allah give you strength and patience to your family. Off you go to heaven, my hero brother.”

Muhammad Ben Gaith, a high-profile UAE cleric, tweeted: “Innocent people will pay the price of the assassination of the Russian ambassador, sadly, while the fools celebrate it!”

“Some people find killing women, children and old people and raping Muslim girls more acceptable than killing an ambassador,” one wrote beneath a picture of dead children in Aleppo.

The Iraqi Yosef Alawnah tweeted: “The assassination of the Russian ambassador is by all means an act of terror. But Russia’s crime is much bigger… and what comes following that will be even greater. Russian and Iran have seen nothing yet.”

“Whoever feels pain at the killing of children in Aleppo will rejoice at the killing of that pig whose country fires missiles every day to kill Sunnis,” Max tweeted.

Waassn Alsheikhali, an Iraqi journalist, focused her attacks on Saudi Arabia and the proponents of Wahhabism: “They killed the Russian ambassador for Aleppo, but didn’t kill the Israeli ambassador for Palestine. … Who are these people?? The supporters of Abdel Wahab [the founder of Wahabism] who are responsible for all the crimes.”

Dr Kassab Aluteibi, a Saudi dissident, wrote: “I will not shed a tear for the killing of the Russian ambassador to Turkey. I will save my tears for our children who were buried alive under the rubble and our countries that were invaded by the barbarians.”

The Syrian anti-government journalist Omar Madaniah wrote: “The news that reached Putin today – the interception of a plane near Homs and then the killing of the ambassador to Turkey, let’s let him lament.”

The Saudi Talal Alheblani tweeted: “The whole world came to a standstill because of the murder of the Russian ambassador. All the definitions of crime put together won’t amount to a tiny proportion of the Russian crimes against the innocent Syrian people.”