Arutz Sheva reports: Foreign Ministry Director-General Dr. Dore Gold thanked Norwegian Ambassador Jon Hanssen-Bauer for his country taking Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to task over his use of foreign funds to pay jailed terrorists.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) late last month released a report revealing Abbas’s ploy to fool the West and continue receiving its annual budget from abroad for over $1 billion.

The report detailed that despite the West back in 2014 conditioning its funding on having the PA stop using the funds to pay the salaries of terrorists jailed in Israel, the PA merely moved its ministry tasked with the salaries to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and increased its funding to the PLO by the exact amount of the prisoners’ budget.

PMW showed that the PA remains the organization funding the terrorists’ salaries and making the budgetary decisions, in an open breach of its promises to the West made to keep the funding going.

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