103-Year-Old California Woman Still Works Out at Gym: ‘It Gives Me Energy’

Treadmills in gym (Unsplash/Ryan-de-Hamer)

A 103-year-old California woman is staying active by regularly working out at her local gym.

Teresa Moore, a resident of Camarillo, attends her local fitness center three to four times per week, lifting weights and getting her heart rate up on the treadmill, Fox 11 reported:

The Camarillo Acorn reported that Moore was born in Naples, Italy, and holds a degree in classical theater.

She moved to Camarillo with her late husband, Col. Earnest L. Moore, in the 1970s, per the Acorn.

Fox 11 reported the two married in 1946 and traveled the world before settling in the city.

The Acorn noted Moore once owned a cosmetics store in Camarillo.

Even when she is preparing for a vigorous workout, she arrives in makeup and jewelry, per Fox 11.

Her daughter, Sheila Moore, said the gym is now a major source of social engagement for her mother.

“That’s where she meets her friends,” Sheila Moore told the outlet. “I think mother is a curious person. When she left Italy, she lived a vagabond life and I think curiosity was a big motivating factor.”

“It gives me energy,” the 103-year-old told Fox 11.

Aside from exercising, Moore’s hobbies include playing bridge and attending the opera, Fox 11 said.

When asked by the outlet for the secret to her remarkable longevity, Moore said a positive outlook is key. 

“Try to be happy,” she said. “Try to think of good things — to think everything is beautiful, to think beautiful things.”

In 2018, as Breitbart News noted, a 103-year-old Georgia woman was still working every day at a community center coordinating transportation for seniors. She had reportedly been working since age 13 and attributed her longevity to the sense of purpose her job provides.

“If nothing’s wrong getting old, they should be thankful. That’s what I tell them,” she said she sometimes told the seniors she worked with, many of whom were younger than she.


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