Anonymous Man Gives $13,000 to Strangers at Florida Waffle House

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Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

A Florida man is gaining well-deserved attention for the acts of kindness he has been conducting at a Waffle House since 2014.

Kevin Cate, a former spokesman for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, noticed a man sitting by himself at a Waffle House in Midway, Florida.

The unidentified man had money and notes scattered across the table, which gained Cate’s curiosity.

When Cate asked him about his money, the man said he had been handing one-dollar and five-dollar bills to strangers at the Waffle House and elsewhere since 2014.

The man reckons that he has given more than $13,000 at the restaurant and other places over the years, but Cate noted that Waffle House was his favorite.

Each time he gives money away, it comes with a message on a note that reads, “love every body.”

The reason why that is the message he attaches is “those were the last three words his mother said to him,” Cate wrote.

“She didn’t say ‘I love you.’ She said ‘love every body.’ So that’s what I’m doing. Loving every body.”

Since Cate posted the heartwarming thread on Saturday, it has received over 63 thousand likes and over ten thousand retweets.

Twitter users were thankful to Cate for posting the thread.

“Wow you have no idea how much I needed to read this. So much time spent doom scrolling on Twitter and feeling so sad and helpless about life. I forget the joy I have felt from helping those in need. This is what I need to be putting my energy into, spreading love and kindness,” one user wrote.

Other users shared stories about generous acts they had performed for others or acts of kindness that were directed toward them.

Cate later added to the thread on Sunday, saying the “Response to this couldn’t be any more beautiful. Thank you.”

You can follow Ethan Letkeman on Twitter at @EthanLetkeman.


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