Video: Homeless Man Uses Drugs on BART Train in San Francisco

A number of syringes are seen in the remains of a tent city being cleared by city workers
AP Photo/Eric Risberg

Video of a homeless man using drugs on a BART train in San Francisco last month has gone viral, raising concerns about the continued homeless crisis in the city.

The video footage was posted by local ABC 7 news anchor Reggie Aqui, who tweeted, “Well, this was a first for me. He did this right before he got off at Powell station. Went to BART booth but no attendant. Saw attendant at MUNI but guy was gone by then. Sigh.”

While most of the passengers, save for Aqui, appeared to be oblivious to what was happening, ABC7 News spoke with several passngers to obtain their reactions the video. One reportedly said the incident reflected a “societal problem” and said it was no different than what has been going on around San Francisco.

Fox News reported that in April, one BART commuter filmed dozens of drug users slumped over, while others were “shooting up” drugs at the Civic Center BART and Muni stations.

BART told ABC7 that passengers who witness such behavior should notify BART through its app, which is reportedly monitored 24 hours a day.

Police will board the train when notified, agency spokesman Chris Filippi said.

BART personnel can reportedly issue a citation for misdemeanor low drug offenses and place the individual on a “no ride list” for a certain period of time.

In addition to being one of the most expensive cities to live in the United States, a recent investigation by NBC Bay Area revealed  San Francisco is on track to becoming one of the dirtiest cities in the world, with piles of feces and used needles scattered throughout various streets and neighborhoods.

Last week, a major medical convention withdrew from the city after a 20-pound bag of feces was dumped on a sidewalk in the city.

Adelle Nazarian is a politics and national security reporter for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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