Las Vegas Shooter’s Brother Arrested for Allegedly Possessing Child Porn

Bruce Paddock (inset) was arrested Wednesday Oct. 25, 2017 in North Hollywood on suspicion

One of the brothers of Las Vegas, Nevada, shooter Stephen Paddock was arrested Wednesday morning for allegedly possessing child pornography.

Authorities took Bruce Paddock, 58, into custody in the North Hollywood section of Los Angeles, California, on child pornography charges as part of the culmination of an investigation that predated the Las Vegas shooting, the Associated Press reports.

A law enforcement official confirmed Bruce’s arrest but said he was not allowed to speak publicly on the matter.

The Los Angeles Times obtained documents filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court Tuesday that show 20 criminal charges against Bruce Douglas Paddock related to child pornography possession or sexual exploitation of a child.

The newspaper also obtained a felony complaint for an arrest warrant that alleged that Bruce had more than 600 images of child and youth pornography in his possession, with at least 10 images featuring a child under the age of 12.

Bruce Paddock, unlike his older brother Eric, rarely granted media interviews following the shooting which killed 59 and injured more than 500 people October 2.

Neither Bruce or his brother Eric are considered suspects in the shooting.

Bruce has had several run-ins with the law for crimes including burglary, vandalism, arson, and petty theft.

A Las Vegas FBI spokesperson did not comment about the arrest.


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