When President-elect Donald Trump “magnanimously” met with $3 trillion worth of Silicon Valley tech CEOs that actively opposed his candidacy, he very publicly booted Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey as payback for alleged bias against his campaign.

Breitbart reported that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey overrode an “upfront deal” for the Trump campaign to pay at least $5 million to generate engagement through a contracted hashtag branding initiative under #CrookedHillary. Trump campaign Director of Digital Advertising and Fundraising Gary Coby, blamed Dorsey for last-minute campaign sabotage just before two of the debates over the use of a clever emoji.

All the tech leaders that met with Trump on December 14 seemed to have miraculously found a suit and tie or dress and nylons as they skulked into Trump’s New York lair after 18 months of mostly antagonizing, provoking and mocking Trump as a rube or worse.

Although Apple’s Tim Cook, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, Alphabet and Google’s Larry Page, Intel’s Brian Krzanich, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, Oracle’s Safra Catz and Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg were key “Hillblazer” for Hillary Clinton, they seem very interested in soothing over the mistake of not backing the winner.

Silicon Valley before 2008 was politically bipartisan and tried to work its agenda quietly with both parties. But Barack Obama’s heavy reliance on social media was fostered by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, who quit his start-up to be an early member of the obscure first-term Illinois U.S. Senator’s strategy team to win the Democrat nomination.

Hughes rallied Silicon Valley venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and CEOs to back Obama and fund a big piece of his presidential campaign. After Obama was elected president, he relied on Silicon Valley insiders to craft a White House business model that created “a trifecta of executive positions in his Administration modeled on corporate best practices: chief technology officer, chief data scientist, and chief performance officer.”

In appreciation for Silicon Valley’s overwhelming support, President Obama and the Democrats gave blanket adoption to Silicon Valley’s globalist policy agenda.

This tight relationship paved the way in 2016 for 36,071 contributions from the Silicon Valley’s top 200 major tech firms to go to Democrat Hillary Clinton and just 52 tech donations to Republican Donald Trump, according to the non-partisan Crowdpac.

With $7.1 million given by Silicon Valley tech executives and employees to Hillary Clinton and only $299,000 given to Trump through the end of September, top venture capitalist and Facebook director Peter Thiel shocked the “Valley” in mid-October by donating $1.25 million to Republican Donald Trump.

As one of the few Silicon Valley winners, Peter Thiel is purported to have organized the meeting to mend fences. Breitbart’s tech sources commented that the CEOs fear that President Trump could retaliate against Silicon Valley-based search engines, user content upload platforms, and hosting companies over Obama Administration’s regulatory interpretation of “fair use” exemption allowing an uncompensated use of intellectual property.

Content producers described by fair use as a $50 billion job-killing “value grab.” They want big tech companies to “prevent illegal access and paying fair market value for music with prices set by or based on the free market.” Trump’s appointments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and other regulatory authorities could cause Silicon Valley enormous financial pain if fair use is tightened.

As the cameras rolled for the beginning of the 25th-floor meeting, Trump said, “There’s nobody like the people in this room and anything we can do to help this go along we’re going to do that for you.” He added, “You call my people, you call me, it doesn’t make any difference. We have no formal chain of command.”

All the executives thanked Trump for the audience. But recognizing there is a new sheriff in town, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg spoke for the Silicon Valley group when stating that she was now interested in discussing job creation.