On Tuesday, an Orange County judge, previously censured for allegedly having sex with two women in his chambers, was re-elected by 56 percent of voters.

The censured judge, Scott Steiner, was being challenged by Karen Schatzle, a prosecutor, whom he defeated handily, 56-44 percent.

Steiner’s election slogan was: “Tough on Crime, Dedicated to a Safe Community.”

According to Southern California Public Radio KPCC, Steiner has been a judge on the Superior Court since 2011. The Los Angeles Times notes that Steiner responded to re-election via a Facebook post:

It has been an honor working for the people of Orange County. Thank you for supporting me in my efforts to protect victims’ rights. With the will of the voters, I will continue my work as a Judge of the Orange County Superior Court for a second term. I am humbled by all of the encouragement I have received leading up to Election Day returns. Once again, thank you for re-electing me to a second term on the bench. I vow to keep working hard for justice.

KPCC and the Times note that Steiner was censured in 2014 after “having sex with his intern and a practicing attorney.” He was “also reprimanded for failing to disqualify himself from a case involving a longtime friend.” Neither of these prevented his re-election.

Steiner’s campaign messages included: “As a husband and father of two beautiful girls, I realize how important family is in my life,” and “Judge Scott Steiner has the support of dozens of current and retired judges, as well as respected community leaders.” He was also named “Judge of the Year by the Orange County Narcotic Officers Association” and won the endorsement of the Garden Grove Police Association, among other groups.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.