Claremont United Methodist Church abandoned the gun control nativity scene they had planned for this year; a scene which was supposed to depict “eight guns pointing at baby Jesus’ manger.”
John Zachary designed the gun control scene and suggested it was abandoned out of fear that there could be an “NRA protest, or some crazy guy with a gun walking into the church.”
According to SCPR, Zachary said he hopes his gun control nativity scene can be used for a future Christmas. He said, “I think we have to be extremely provocative. I hate to say this, but I think we have been praying for people to stop killing each other for a long time, and it hasn’t done much. I think we need to take positive action to change everything out there.”
Rev. Mark Wiley said that even though the church chose to go with a different nativity scene, the congregation of Claremont United Methodist remains committed to a fight against “gun violence.” Wiley said, “We’re united in the vision that gun violence isn’t what the gospel calls us to be about, and calls us to work to end the gun violence.”
In 2013 Claremont United Methodist Church had a nativity scene featuring Trayvon Martin “bleeding to death.” Above him was posted the words, “a son is given.”

Claremont United Methodist Church’s 2013 Nativity scene featuring a bleeding Trayvon Martin (Reuters)
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