When it comes to online bragging, California takes the cake. A new study conducted by social media platform HeyLets found that people in the Golden State are the most boastful users of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
The HeyLets experiment asked 2,500 Americans who use social media actively “to rate the number of posts they typically make on potentially self-promotional topics (such as trips to special locations, attendance at memorable events, and work-related good news).” They were “floored” with the results.
Texas came last in the list of 20 of “Most Boastful,” making it far less arrogant by comparison. New Jersey and New York came smack in the middle of that list in #9 and #10. But it was Utah that took the #1 spot for being host to the most humble social media users in the survey. Over 70% of Utah’s population is Mormon, and Salt Lake City (it’s capital city) is home to the largest Mormon church in the world.
The most “self-promotional” images were pictures of:
#1. Going on a special trip (62%)
#2: Attending a memorable event (59%)
#3: Meeting a noteworthy person (54%)
#4: Something nice that your significant other did (53%)
#5: Getting work-related good news (52%)
Here’s the full list of all of HeyLets’s findings, which were broken down by state.
A study released by Harvard University last month found that people are less likely to want to see that amazing vacation photo, and will either tune the person posting it out or unfollow their public posts in some cases.
With the advent, and increased use, of “selfie sticks,” HeyLets might want to revisit the experiment again in the near future.
Follow Adelle on Twitter: @AdelleNaz.