CA to Grant Driver's Licenses to 1.4 Million Illegal Aliens

CA to Grant Driver's Licenses to 1.4 Million Illegal Aliens

New legislation passed in California will allow non-U.S. citizens to obtain identification in the form of drivers licenses starting January 1. California’s Department of Motor Vehicles expects an estimated 1.4 million to apply, and Friday the department posted the new requirements for obtaining a drivers license under the law.

Assembly bill 60 will allow the vast expansion of license eligibility and acceptable forms of ID to be used to obtain a license. The law goes into effect on January 1 of the new year but was passed over a year ago, in September of 2013.

Among acceptable identification that may be used to apply for and obtain a California driver license are a Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card.

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly told Breitbart News, “When I look at the list of acceptable documents and see it is to include the Mexican Consular Card, I know it is a document even the FBI has been concerned about.” 

Donnelly pointed to Congressional testimony provided by FBI Assistant Director Steven McCraw regarding Mexican Consular ID: “The U.S. Government has done an extensive amount of research on the Matricula Consular, to assess its viability as a reliable means of identification. The Department of Justice and the FBI have concluded that the Matricula Consular is not a reliable form of identification, due to the non-existence of any means of verifying the true identity of the card holder.” 

Donnelly commented that this identification could then be used in seeking employment and using the ID to verify a person’s identity, an identity that may easily be born of fraudulent origins.

Just weeks ago, two Sacramento Sheriff’s deputies were killed, allegedly by a twice-deported illegal alien with an extensive rap sheet. Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte is reported to have obtained a Utah drivers license under Utah’s policy allowing driver licenses to be issued to illegal aliens. Questions hAve been raised as to whether Monroy-Bracamonte used that same ID to obtain the weapon he used to shoot the deputies.

In an article for Breitbart, Donnelly commented, “After the passage of AB60 in California, illegal aliens may now obtain a California drivers license as long as they can produce a consular ID known as a Matricula Consular, which the FBI has said is one of the most insecure documents in existence. Once you have your California drivers license, you can build an identity, just like Monroy-Bracamonte did with a Utah drivers license.”

Don Rosenberg, a Democrat whose son Drew was killed as a result of actions taken by an illegal alien, spoke out against the law during consideration of its passing in the state legislature. Rosenberg also spoke out recently at a Remembrance Day event in Temecula, California that gathered family and friends of men and women killed at the hands of foreign nationals illegally present in the United States.

In July, the Wall Street Journal reported on trouble with licensing non-citizens when Colorado experienced an influx of undocumented aliens requesting licensing appointments similar to Illinois’ experience. 

In California, the “motor vehicle department has held four public hearings in recent weeks in Los Angeles and Oakland as it prepares to complete its licensing regulations. Immigrant rights groups were urging state officials to expand the list of identifying documents that could be submitted by applicants,” the Journal reported.

California is the 11th state to issue licenses to illegal aliens, according to Fox News Latino.

November 4, Oregon voters overwhelmingly overturned state legislation SB 833, which allowed issuance of driver ID cards to illegal immigrants. A “no” vote for Prop 88 was a vote against issuing licenses to illegal aliens. Most recent results for proposition 88 show 66.2% of voting Oregonians voting “no” in an election that, in Oregon, favored Democrat politicians.

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