Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), infamous for their “God Hates Fags” slogans and picketing at soldiers’ funerals, is taking their God Hates the Media tour to the heart of the LGBT movement in America: San Francisco.
WBC will reportedly be making a tour of major tech companies located in Silicon Valley and throughout the Bay Area on August 12, according to The Bold Italic. A copy of their schedule can be found below:
Image via The Bold Italic.
The church has put out a poster which reads, “Westboro Baptist Church will preach to the world on Tuesday August 12 via the God Hates the Media Tour; California.” The tour is set to begin at 11:45 am at Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters.
They will be hitting nine locations and staging protests lasting approximately 30 minutes at each location. Following Facebook will be the Googleplex, Apple, Skype, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and last but not least Reddit.
In 2013, Reddit’s co-founder Aaron Swartz committed suicide while in the midst of a federal case in which he faced possible prosecution charges for the digital theft of millions of academic journals from JSTOR through the use of MIT’s computer network in 2011. WBC, in a July 28 press release, referred to Swartz as “a poster boy for this online community: a fag, an atheist and a thief.”
Swartz was discovered by his girlfriend on January 11, 2013, in his Brooklyn apartment. He had hanged himself just one month before his February trials were set to begin. The charges against him were dropped by federal prosecutors following his death.
At the bottom of their press release, WBC writes, “God Hates Reddit.” The Huffington Post’s logo is also included in their press release; it is used as the “H” in the word “Hate” to promote their God Hates the Media Tour.
The Bold Italic notes that WBC protesters will have a difficult time adhering to their tight picketing schedule: “Given our increasing bad traffic situation, I don’t see how they could adhere to this schedule. I mean, who gets from Mountain View to Cupertino in 15 minutes?”