While Children Sleep In Gutters, California Legislature Boosts Arts Budget

While Children Sleep In Gutters, California Legislature Boosts Arts Budget

If you believe, as leftists claim to, that the terrible state of homelessness can only be cured through government intervention, what does it say about leftists who allocate money for something as frivolous as the arts while hungry children sleep on the streets of Los Angeles?

The California state Legislature, which is packed with leftists, just increased the state’s allocation to the California Arts Council to $5 million, an increase from $1 million. Governor Jerry Brown could still veto this madness, but sources who spoke to the Los Angeles Times believe he will approve the increase.

How many homeless childen could be plucked from the gutter and  enjoy months, years, even a lifetime at a Holiday Inn Express if that $5 million was given to them?

Instead, the California Legislature sees “fostering accessible arts initiatives that reflect contributions from all of California’s diverse populations” as a better use of taxpayer money than housing homeless and hungry children. 



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