Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Valdrack Ludwing Jaentschke declared that Nicaragua is “one” with other rogue regimes around the world such as Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and China in his ideological speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Monday morning.

Jaentschke, recently appointed by communist dictator Daniel Ortega as his communist regime’s top diplomat this month, described his country as “blessed, dignified, always sovereign, Christian, socialist, and solidarity inspired.”

The minister sent an “embrace to everyone in the world who wants peace,” presenting a differing image from that of the authoritarian communist regime he represents, which boasts a deplorable track record of human rights violations against dissidents and brutal persecution of Christianity:

In addition to pledging Nicaragua’s support for other like-minded rogue regimes, Jaentschke spent much of his address denouncing war as a “savage method of imperialism” and labeling capitalism “savage, barbaric and fierce,” leading to the extinction of all living beings. Jaentschke claimed the values of “love, fraternity, and hope” are victims of a “Hell” marketed as “paradise” by “Satanic majesties.”

The Ortega regime representative also condemned Israel “and its First World allies” for its alleged “genocide” in Gaza and Lebanon – and against “so many other valiant, brave, and dignified peoples that do not subordinate themselves to brutality.”

“We are not silent, and we will not be silent. We denounce and condemn the aggression against Syria, Iran, and so many other great and combative brothers and sisters on all continents,” Jaentschke said.

The minister also denounced a purported “systematic policy of extermination of cultures and rights” allegedly committed by “colonialists and imperialists powers” against the rogue Latin American regimes of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua that form part of the ALBA “anti-imperialist” far-left regional bloc.

“Nothing is free in this world. We must grow in consciousness and heart every day, absolutely

lucid, absolutely clear, absolutely convinced and consistent, because only the unity of the peoples of the planet will stop the imperialists of the Earth,” Jaentschke said.

The minister then declared that, as part of ALBA, his country is “one” with Venezuela’s late socialist dictator Hugo Chávez and his successor Nicolás Maduro, as well as Cuba and its communist Castro regime, Bolivia and its “much-respected ways,” and Russia in its “great battles against bestial fascism.”

Jaentschke also made special note of China, which expanded its control of Nicaraguan natural resources such as gold at an accelerated pace through hastily prepared loans and agreements signed under the auspices of dictator Ortega.

“We are one with the People’s Republic of China that teaches us so much, transferring to us its magnificent, great Experience of building the well-being of its people, and of solidarity with the whole world, for a community of the future,” he said.

The Nicaraguan foreign minister also expressed his “solidarity” with countries that are victims of alleged climate change and demanded “climate justice” from the “greedy slavers, filibusters and looters of this world.”

“With everyone so, always united, we go forward to the always further on of our victorious General Augusto Sandino, and of the immortal poetry of our great Rubén Darío, and his songs of hope,” Jaentschke said before concluding his speech with by reciting a poem by Darío.

Christian K. Caruzo is a Venezuelan writer and documents life under socialism. You can follow him on Twitter here.