Democrat incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly is campaigning with Sen. Alex Padilla of California, who proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants. 

Kelly, who is facing off against Republican Blake Masters on November 8th, has been campaigning alongside Padilla, who recently proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants. 

One event with the two senators was titled “South Phoenix Canvass Launch with Senator Alex Padilla & Senator Mark Kelly.” 

A new bill proposed by Padilla would “expand a pathway to permanency for millions of long-term U.S. residents.” 

The press release regarding the bill also notes that “The very first bill Padilla introduced as a U.S. Senator would create a pathway to citizenship for the immigrant essential workers.”

Immigration and border security have become central issues of the Arizona Senate race between Kelly and Masters. Since President Biden took office, 5.5 million illegal immigrants have been encountered on our southern border.

A report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that a startling 2.4 million illegal immigrants have either entered our country undetected or were willfully released into our country.

Despite representing a border state that is severely impacted by the crisis, Kelly has consistently voted against border security.

Kelly voted against border security at least three times in 2021 alone. In February of 2021, Kelly voted against an amendment that would have kept the Biden administration from being able to cancel existing border wall contracts.

Kelly has also voted to end Title 42, which allows the government to suspend entry of immigrants into the United States for reasons of public safety. Kelly was previously critical of the Biden administration’s plan to end Title 42, saying that “it’s going to be a crisis.”

Additionally, the Democrat Senator from Arizona voted against a measure that would have prohibited the Internal Revenue Service from hiring any new agents until the U.S. Border Patrol doubled its forces. Meanwhile, the deadly fentanyl crisis has gotten worse in Arizona.

But despite his record of supporting open borders policies, Kelly tried to convince voters that he had fought for border security, claiming in the debate with Blake Masters that “When Democrats are wrong, like on the border, I call them out on it, because I’m always going to stick up for Arizona.”

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at