WATCH: Bear Breaks into California Home to Steal Oreos

A bear is causing some concern for neighbors in Monrovia, California, due to its apparent sweet tooth.

The animal broke into a home on Canyon Crest Drive on Friday and left with a pack of Oreos. He apparently got into the house through a window and left carrying the sweet treat that some residents say is its favorite snack, ABC 7 reported Sunday.

Resident Vina Khoury said the incident scared her because the bear got very close.

“But lately he’s been a little bit more too comfortable with us, and he actually got to open a neighbor’s car got some groceries out, got a box of Oreos, and that’s where his name came from,” Khoury, who is used to seeing bears in the area, told NBC LA.

“We’re okay with them around, it’s just this one got a little too comfortable,” she added:

Per the ABC 7 report, it was reportedly a smaller bear that broke into the neighbor’s car to get the Oreos. It was unclear what kind of bear it is that has been making itself at home by eating people’s food.

According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the black bear is the sole bear species living in the state.

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CHP Truckee /TMX

“Black bears occur in a diversity of habitats, including natural, rural, and residential areas. Black bears are sometimes mistaken for grizzlies due to their wide range of fur color ranging from blonde or cinnamon to black. Grizzly bears have been extirpated in the state with the last documented sighting in 1924,” the agency said.

An image shows the large bear sneaking out of the home where it grabbed a pack of Oreos:

In 2023, Khoury said a bear broke into her garage and found a chocolate cake in a refrigerator and gulped down every bit of it.

When speaking of Friday’s incident, which happened at her neighbor’s home, Khoury noted, “Now that he actually broke into the house, it’s a bit scary. I feel like I can’t leave a window open even with a screen because he literally took the screen out, so that’s a little alarming for me.”

The ABC 7 article noted that no injuries were reported during the recent bear encounters.


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