‘Decolonizing Black Health:’ Harvard Pursues Health Equity at Conference

Boston - May 16: Ron Coursey, VP, Quest Diagnostics, left, and Joan Reede, MD, Director of
Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Harvard University hosted a “Black Health Matters” conference which focused on the theme of “decolonizing black health.”

The prestigious university hosted the two-day event, which aimed to “challenge and transform” approaches to health care that may have been shaped by “colonialism, racism, and other forms of oppression,” according to Kristen Harriot, the co-president of Harvard Undergraduate Black Health Advocates (HUBHA).

Harriot also added that “At its core, decolonizing health involves shifting focus from Western medicine and holistic approaches to health to a maybe more holistic and community-centered approach.”

She contended that a decolonized approach “recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of health — which may include social, cultural, environmental, maybe even spiritual factors.”

Meanwhile, Breitbart News has documented the spread of the health equity agenda, a push to embed Critical Race Theory and racial preferences into the healthcare system. One Breitbart News report revealed that Health Affairs, a leading health policy journal, hosted a “health equity” fellowship program that excluded white applicants on the basis of their race.

Additionally, Breitbart News has also documented the spread of the health equity agenda at Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt University Medical Center and School of Medicine have an Office of Health Equity and a “racial equity task force.” 

The task force demanded that the school “identify gaps in curriculum and opportunities to embed strategies to address structural racism and promote racial justice” and “track leaders’ hiring of racially and ethnically diverse candidates and hold them accountable if there is lack of diversity in their teams/offices/departments.”

In addition, Breitbart News also reported that the philanthropic arm of the healthcare company Humana pledged to invest $13 million in the health equity movement, which includes “the launch of a $7.5 million Health Equity Innovation Fund, which will identify and scale new solutions to eliminate health disparities.” 

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at slindquist@breitbart.com.


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