WATCH– Boy Hit by Car While Rescuing Sister Gets Surprise After Leaving Hospital: ‘Kayden Is Our Hero’

A little boy in Mobile, Alabama, named Kayden Reid does not need supernatural abilities to be considered a hero.

“My momma called me a hero because I saved my baby sister,” Reid told Fox 10 News recently.

The six-year-old was hit by a car on Tuesday while rescuing his two-year-old sister, named Kaycee, who had run into the street.

Reid was riding his hoverboard down the sidewalk when he noticed the little girl step into the road.

“Kayden stopped what he was doing and jumped in front and saved her from being hit in the process,” his aunt Kendra Nettles explained.

The family was just glad he was alright and did not hold anything against the driver.

“It wasn’t her fault. We’re just thankful that she stopped when she did to make sure that everything is okay with him and us,” Nettles stated.

His family said he received a few stitches after the incident.

On Wednesday, he got a huge surprise and a very special welcome home. He wore his Superman costume and was joined by some local heroes to celebrate his bravery.

Mobile Fire-Rescue came by to greet him, and the little boy relished every moment.

The group gave him a tour of the fire truck, and he also enjoyed the view from the driver’s seat.

Video footage of the event featured a home decorated with a banner that read, “Kayden Is Our Hero” in colorful letters.

Reid also showed off his muscles for the cameras during his tour of the fire truck:

Meet Kayden. Tuesday he was hit by a car saving his baby sister. This morning he was released from the hospital and…

Posted by Stephen Moody FOX10 on Wednesday, January 19, 2022

“This morning he was released from the hospital and greeted with a hero’s welcome!” journalist Stephen Moody wrote in the photo’s caption on Wednesday.

At the close of his big day, Reid wanted to share a message with his community, stating, “Thank you, everyone, for watching me.”


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