Michigan State University Set to Resume In-Person Classes this Fall

Michigan State University McConnell Adams, Townsquare Media Lansin
McConnell Adams/Townsquare Media Lansin

Michigan State University is set to resume in-person classes this fall and will also feature “enhanced” remote learning opportunities, according to an announcement from university President Samuel Stanley Jr. on Wednesday.

In his announcement, Stanley said students will be allowed to return to campus for classes beginning on September 2, with certain modifications in place that will make the campus “look different from any previous semester at MSU.”

Stanley said in an online letter sent to students, faculty, and staff:

We recognize that some students may choose not to return to campus for health or other reasons, and we will endeavor to provide an enhanced selection of remote classes that allow them to begin or continue progress toward their Michigan State University degree.

Stanley also stated that the university would offer online and remote opportunities, which will include the addition of “more hybrid classes” and resuming some “purely in-person options.”

The university president also made it clear in his announcement that facial coverings and masks will be “essential components” of the school’s reopening. Stanley also suggested that large gatherings may be “strictly limited and regulated.”

In-person instruction on the campus will conclude on November 25 and the following classes will transition to be finished online. After Thanksgiving break, Stanley said students will have the opportunity to move off campus or remain in their permanent residence.

According to the university, the schedule shift was implemented due to the prediction of a surge of positive coronavirus cases this fall.

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