Three people have made a full recovery after testing positive for the Chinese coronavirus in Montgomery County, Maryland, recently.

Friday, Montgomery County’s Chief Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles said the first three individuals in the state who tested positive for the virus have been able to resume their everyday lives, according to Fox 5.

The patients, a married couple in their 70s and another woman in her 50s, contracted the disease while traveling on an Egyptian Nile River cruise.

“I’m happy to report that the first three cases that were reported last Thursday have all cleared and have been cleared to return back to their normal daily life schedules,” Gayles said in a video on Twitter Friday.

“And the other three cases that we have are all doing well clinically. They’re stable and they are at home receiving supportive care,” he explained.

Saturday, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s Communications Director Mike Ricci announced on Twitter that there was a total of 26 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the state:

Friday, Gayles explained social distancing and what causes the risk of contracting the virus to be higher in certain situations:

I mean we’ve got guidelines to say 3-6 ft. stay away from people. But it’s really the quality and duration and level of interaction that you have with some. So, you know, am I walking past you, am I hugging you? Am I sharing a confined space with you for a significant period of time? Am I providing health care services to you where I may come into contact with the droplets that you express?

So a lot of those factors influence how we determine your risk factors. So social distancing, if you do have social distancing with someone, you cut down the possibility of coming into contact with something.

To guard against the virus and keep it from spreading, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that people wash their hands frequently with soap and water, avoid close contact with those who are sick, and urged people to stay home if they feel ill.