Father of Four Receives Heart Transplant on Christmas


A father of four in Atlanta, Georgia, got a phone call recently that turned out to be the Christmas miracle his family needed.

Carl Anderson suffered from heart failure for several years and had been on a list to receive a heart transplant since October, according to 11 Alive.

His heart was so weak that he took medications just to keep it beating properly.

However, when the Delta Air Lines employee received a call at 3:00 a.m. Christmas morning, he had no idea what was about to happen.

The caller said a match had been found and told him to come to the hospital immediately to receive his new heart.

“Christmas 2019 has indeed been filled with many blessings. Early Christmas morning a heart was matched for Carl. He was prepared for surgery for his heart transplant and the surgery went long into the wee hours of the morning,” a GoFundMe page set up for the family stated.

The update continued:

A true gift of life for Carl, for his wife getting her husband back and for his children having their dad for a bit longer in this life. Thank you to all of you who have followed, prayed and contributed in any way. We are all blessed with this exciting news of Carl’s new journey forward!

Thus far, the page has raised $42,075 of its $100,000 goal to help the Anderson family cover medical costs as their beloved husband and father recovered from surgery.

The GoFundMe page thanked donors for their generosity and updated followers on Carl’s progress.

“He is off the ventilator and his new heart is beating strong,” the post read, adding that he was resting well in the Emory Cardiac ICU unit.

“Carl will be focused on getting stronger each day and the family will advise when he is able to have visitors,” the post concluded.


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