Jacksonville Jaguars defensive lineman DaVon Hamilton publicly displayed his love for God recently, inspiring many.

Hamilton was baptized over the weekend and video footage shared on his Instagram story shows the special moment as he was laid back in the water and then raised again, Sports Spectrum reported Tuesday.

The outlet said the video’s caption reads, “All praise to God.” Instagram users responded with positive thoughts, one person writing, “Bless the Lord, His works are great! There is revival all around, it’s great to see.”

“Praise God. Love seeing how the Lord is working in sports right now,” another user commented.

Hamilton signed a three-year contract extension with the Jaguars early last year after playing hard in numerous games and reaching multiple career goals.

However, he developed a spinal abscess in August which sidelined him for seven games and caused him to worry his career would soon be over.

“He eventually returned to play in eight games and start two of them. While the stats won’t jump off the page, the fact that he has numbers in the ‘games played’ and ‘games started’ columns for the 2023 season was a ‘blessing’ and a reminder that God is in control,” the Spectrum report said.

According to his Instagram page, Hamilton has also been spending a lot of time with his wife and newborn baby.

Now, he understands that no matter what happens to him, he is in God’s hands. He said, “I can’t control anything that is going on. God is going to have a plan for me and this was His plan.”

In September, Jim Kelly, a former quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, publicly announced his faith in God through baptism while wearing a shirt that said “God is Real,” Breitbart News reported.

Kelly wrote in a social media post about his journey of faith after losing his son Hunter to the disease known as Krabbe.

“I’m not a man of many words and I don’t speak ‘Christianese.’ All I know is that God changed my life. After Hunter went to heaven I was so lost and angry at God. But God loved me anyway and he never gave up on me,” he wrote.