ROME — Pope Francis sent out tweets Friday condemning war as a failure of humanity, complete with translations into Russian and Ukrainian.

“Every war leaves our world worse than it was before,” the pontiff stated, citing his own letter Fratelli Tutti. “War is a failure of politics and of humanity, a shameful capitulation, a stinging defeat before the forces of evil.”

Pope Francis tweets out denunciation of war in Ukrainian and Russian.

According to the Vatican’s daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, the papal tweet represented an effort by Francis to “keep alive attention to the tragic scenario in Eastern Europe.”

The newspaper also reminded readers that the pope has called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace to be held March 2, when many Christians celebrate Ash Wednesday, or the first day of the annual Lenten season.

Also on Friday, the pope personally visited the Russian Federation Embassy to the Holy See to express “his concerns over the war in Ukraine,” a visit that reportedly lasted over 30 minutes.