French Police Shoot Screwdriver Stabbing Suspect Dead

Chabe01 / Wikimedia

A street-cleaner and a police officer were injured in a stabbing attack by a man armed with a screwdriver who was shot dead by a second officer in France on Wednesday morning.

A monthly ‘big clean’ of the streets of Aubervilliers, a diverse north-Paris suburb in Seine-Saint-Denis, bore witness to an attack on a city employee and a police officer by a man who is said to have attacked them “for no reason” with a screwdriver. The street cleaner was stabbed “several” times with the screwdriver as police officers rushed to intervene.

The first police officer was also stabbed as he attempted to stop the attack, and a municipal officer fire, shooting the suspect twice. The screwdriver-wielding alleged assailant, said to be a homeless male in Le Figaro’s report, is said to have died of the gunshot wounds.

The assailant is reported to have “attacked the employees for no reason”.

Mayor Karine Franclet is reported to have said of the attack: “We strongly condemn this unacceptable act of violence which led to this dramatic attack. Any aggression against those who take care of our city is intolerable”.


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