Netflix Under Fire Over Fully Erect Penis Scene in ‘A Man In Full’ Series


Netflix has reportedly fallen under fire after British viewers were presented with a fully erect penis in the closing episode of the streaming giant’s new six-part drama series, A Man In Full.

Actor Tom Pelphrey’s character Raymond Peepgrass dropped his bedsheet to reveal himself to co-star Jeff Daniels’ character Charlie Croker in the adaptation of author Tom Wolfe’s best-selling eponymous novel.
While the U.K. already has a full-frontal nude dating show, this particular scene in A Man In Full is believed to be the first time a mainstream drama on British television has displayed an “erect penis” on screen,  reports noted.

Moreover, while the show warned there would be “sex, language, sex reference, sexual images, injury detail,” there was no disclaimer warning viewers of forthcoming graphic nudity, leaving viewers shocked and dismayed.

“I don’t want to see graphic sexual images when I’m watching a drama,” author and The Spectator columnist Mary Killen reportedly said. “There is too much already and it is reducing us to no better than barnyard animals.”

“Viewers shouldn’t be forced to see pornography,” Killen added. “This trend will end in tears as it’s depressing, unmysterious and taking away some of life’s magic.”

Novelist and writer Anne Atkins also chimed in, asking Radio 4’s Thought for the Day, “Where are the boundaries now, Netflix?”

“A visibly erect penis is not only revolting to many normal viewers but artistically completely unnecessary: a glance down, a raised eyebrow would have done far more,” Atkins added.

Alexander Stafford, a Tory member of the U.K.’s Parliament, reacted, saying, “If Netflix is serving up this sort of low-grade, pornographic rubbish, we need to give Ofcom full oversight of the streaming giant’s output as soon as possible.”

Ofcom refers to the Office of Communications, a government agency regulating broadcasting, telecommunications, and postal industries in the United Kingdom.

“Streaming services are available at any time of day, so watershed protection doesn’t apply,” fellow Tory MP Sara Britcliffe added.

Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code states sex and nudity scenes must be after the watershed and not be easily accessible to children, according to Daily Mail.

“Yet again we are questioning why the Government is failing to act on this multi-fronted assault on childhood,” Tanya Carter of Safe Schools Alliance said.

The U.K. government is reportedly mulling over new legislation that would fine streamers operating in the United Kingdom up to £250,000 ($311,862) or face restrictions if they are caught breaking the rules.

Meanwhile, Netflix is currently under fire for another show on its platform.

As Breitbart News reported, Fiona Harvey — the woman who is alleged to have inspired the stalker “Martha” character in the streaming giant’s hit, Baby Reindeer — says she will sue both Netflix and the show’s creator and star, Richard Gadd, claiming the depictions in the series, which bills itself as a true story, are “a work of fiction.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and X at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


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