EU Parliament VP ‘Imprisoned’ After Being Charged with ‘Corruption’ – Report

A woman walks near the entrance of the European Parliament in Brussels on December 9, 2022

The Vice-President of the European Parliament has been formally charged with corruption and has reportedly been imprisoned.

Vice President Eva Kaili, a socialist MEP from Greece, has reportedly been arrested and charged with corruption amid claims that she, along with many others, engaged in illicit lobbying for the Islamist state of Qatar.

Kaili had her powers as VP suspended on Saturday after being arrested on Friday as part of an anti-corruption probe which has seen numerous premises searched and hundreds of thousands of euros in cash seized.

Now, according to a report by Belgian publication L’Echo, the socialist MEP, along with three others, has been reportedly charged with participation in a criminal organisation, corruption and money laundering.

According to the AFP, Belgium’s federal prosecutor’s office has confirmed that four have indeed been handed these charges, though reportedly did not confirm whether Kaili was among them.

“Four individuals have been arrested by the Brussels investigating judge who is leading the investigation,” a statement from the office reportedly said.

“They are charged with participation in a criminal organisation, money laundering and corruption,” it continued, before noting that two of those charged have since been released from custody by the judge investigating the allegations.

Meanwhile, Marc Tarabella, another socialist MEP this time from Belgium, is said to have had his house raided by the police in relation to the investigation.

As of writing, the representative has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

Centring around alleged illicit lobbying on behalf of the Islamist nation of Qatar, the corruption probe has resulted in a political earthquake in Brussels, with the European Commission’s Foreign Policy head, Josep Borrell, describing it as “very, very worrisome”.

Others in Brussels have demanded answers in relation to the corruption probe, expressing concern at the allegations being levelled at a number of left-wing politicians and other officials and workers within the EU.

“We need comprehensive clarification of this corruption among the Social Democrats in the EU Parliament,” Dr Gunnar Beck MEP, the Deputy Chairman of the Identity and Democracy group, said in a statement seen by Breitbart Europe.

Dr Beck, who serves as a representative for the German Alternative für Deutschland party, also expressed concern as to how “socialists”, while frequently presenting themselves as “moral tutors”, are allegedly “prone to corruption”, and that it is possible that other left-wing and centrist politicians could be involved in illegal lobbying for Qatar.

“It is also conceivable that other groups in the EU Parliament will be affected,” the MEP claimed. “For example, the Christian Democrats, Social Democrats and Greens recently voted in favour of visa easing for Qatar, while we, of course, opposed it.”

“Possible further complications need to be investigated,” Dr Beck went on to say, also arguing that a “committee of inquiry may become necessary”.

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