A Finnish university study has revealed that underage girls are increasingly facing sex attacks from people they do not know and that attacks are becoming more serious.

The University of Tampere study surveyed a total of 6,825 young girls in grade six and grade nine and found that eight per cent of girls in grade nine claimed to have been the victims of sexual violence, up from five per cent in a 2013 study.

Finnish police have recorded a total of 760 cases of child abuse from January to March of 2022, an increase of 73 per cent compare dot the same period in 2021, the Finnish broadcaster Yle reports.

According to the University of Tampere study, the number of sex attackers who are not known to the victim beforehand is also increasing, with half of the girls who reported being sexually attacked claiming that the attacker had been a stranger to them.

Taina Laajasalo, an expert at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, commented on the findings saying, “It is noteworthy that the overall picture of sexual violence against young people seems to have become more serious. In addition to the increase in numbers, the proportion of unknown factors has increased and, at the same time, coercion and violence have increased. All in all, these changes are worrying.”

In 2018, statistics from the Finnish Police University College revealed that’s meant as 37 per cent of suspects in sexual offences in metropolitan areas of Finland were foreigners, despite foreigners making up only around ten per cent of the overall population.

Tuija Hietaniemi, Special Investigator at the Central Criminal Police, noted at the time that many of the suspects were Iraqis saying, “For me, there are several different reasons. There are many young men among the Iraqis, and young men generally also commit the most crime. The same goes for Finns.”

Just a year later, a migrant from Afghanistan was arrested after being accused of committing sex attacks against six victims in Tampere and Ylöjärvi, with one of the victims reported to have been an underage girl.

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