Hungary’s abortion law is being amended so that doctors must show expectant mothers the heartbeat of their unborn child before a termination decision is made, to ensure informed consent.

Hungary, which has already sought to make it easier for women to have children — and to reverse demographic decline without resorting to mass immigration — with a generous package of family support policies, has already seen abortion rates fall in recent years.

Now, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government appears to be taking more direct action against the practice, which is legal effectively on demand up to 12 weeks in the Central European country — not by imposing further restrictions, but by requiring doctors to have expectant mothers hear their child’s heartbeat before deciding to terminate, so they can better consider the full implications.

The measure has been welcomed by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), with a spokeswoman telling Breitbart London that it “acknowledges the humanity of the unborn, and it could save lives.”

“If mothers have the opportunity to hear the beating heart of their baby, they may reject abortion,” the spokeswoman added, noting that a “team funded by the British Heart Foundation at the University of Oxford has demonstrated that an unborn child’s heart can begin to beat as early as 16 days after conception.”

“Out-and-out denial of the humanity of unborn children continues, despite the now clear understanding of embryology and the routine use of ultrasound technology to follow the unborn child’s development,” she lamented.

“Denial has always been a necessary defence mechanism for pro-abortion advocates, but rather than have the courage to face scientific realities head-on, many supporters of abortion hide behind ever more elaborate and misleading language and regulations to conceal the truth about the humanity of the unborn, and what exactly abortion is.”

“This is a huge step in the right direction, leading us towards a future where unborn human lives are acknowledged and protected,” agreed Eden McCourt of the Abortion Resistance group.

“Pro-abortion advocates demand the right for a woman to make an informed choice. The Hungarian Heartbeat Law does just that. If women are legally able to make a choice on whether or not to end the life of their children, it should be mandatory for them to hear the heartbeat that choice would end,” McCourt continued.

“Pro-abortion advocates also claim to ‘trust women’. If they believe that, then women can be trusted with the reality of abortion, instead of having the truth concealed from them.” she said, adding that “if there is nothing truly wrong with abortion, and it really doesn’t kill a human being, then I would expect abortion advocates to be happy about this extra layer of information to be included in a woman’s ‘right’ to have an abortion.”


Katalin Novák, the President of Hungary, told Breitbart in 2019, when she was serving as the government’s family minister, that she was personally opposed to abortion.

“What does the pro-abortion movement say? That they are pro-choice. But they are not pro-choice,” she insisted.

“This is so misleading,” she explained. “There is no choice. If you already have a child in you, then what you do then is not a choice. That is not a moment for choice. The choice is before. Pro-abortion is pro-killing; it is against choice.”

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