News that doctors for Queen Elizabeth II “are concerned” for her health and she is “under medical supervision” at her estate in Balmoral, Scotland, has not been met with universal sympathy on blue tick Twitter, with an American university professor the owner of the most vicious hot take on her ailing health.

“I hear the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying,” declared Uju Anya, a Nigerian-born associate professor of second language acquisition in the Department of Modern Languages in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University.

“May her pain be excruciating,” she gloated on her verified Twitter account.

British social media users were quick to fire back at the American academic, with Christian Jordan, a former Member of the European Parliament for the Brexit Party, now Reform UK, branding her a “pathetic excuse for a human being” and expressing pity for her “poor students.”

Former UKIP leader Henry Bolton slammed the American’s comment as “disgusting, vile and gutter low” and indicative of “someone obviously extremely badly informed and educated in facts or decency.”

“Such ugly hatred in your words,” concurred Calvin Robinson, an Anglican deacon and prominent conservative commentator of mixed race heritage.

“I pray you find peace in your heart through repentance of your wicked ways,” he added.

Anaya appeared unmoved by criticism, however, and even had sharp words for sympathisers suggesting now was not an appropriate time to express her “more than understandable” grievances.

“Don’t come on my Twitter to tone police me. Keep your respectability politics on your page,” she admonished one such user.

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