Terror Motive Investigated After Woman Attacked by ‘Allahu Akbar’ Knifeman

man hand holding knife on abstract background
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The French Anti-Terror prosecutor has been notified following a knife attack on a woman in Chantilly by a man who allegedly yelled “Allahu Akbar” during the stabbing.

The attack took place on Tuesday in Chantilly when a couple was driving and saw a man looking to hitchhike to the Campanile hotel and decided to help the man by giving him a ride. After arriving at the hotel just after midnight, the couple accompanied the man to the reception of the hotel.

When the man was denied a room due to the fact he did not possess the required identification documents, he is said to have taken out a knife and attacked the woman who was with him, stabbing her in the neck, Actu reports.

“For reasons that remain to be clarified, this same individual would then have physically attacked the young woman, carrying a knife at the level of her neck,” the prosecutor of the Republic of Senlis stated.

The hotel receptionist also described the scene saying, “I saw the woman come back to the door with a lot of blood. When she entered the reception, she explained that he had shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ There was plenty of blood on the ground, at every place she walked.”

As the woman ran to take refuge in a room behind the hotel bar, passersby attacked the knifeman, who then fled the scene.

However, the man, who was injured from the blows, managed to only get a few hundred feet from the scene before he was confronted by gendarmes, who subdued him with electric stun guns. Two gendarmes were also injured trying to subdue the attacker.

According to the victims and the arresting officers, the man recited prayers in Arabic during the attack and after he was arrested by police. The French Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s office was also notified of the attack as a terrorist motive has not been ruled out.

The incident comes just days after five police officers in Tarn were injured by an illegal immigrant who attacked them outside of a local mosque while yelling “Allahu Akbar!”

He was smashing the vehicles and colleagues had already intervened for the first time around the mosque without being able to locate him. He was very strongly excited and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’, said he had a mission, and threatened to kill officers,” the alliance police union said.

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