Slovakia Says U.S. Sending Patriot Missiles After Soviet S-300s Donated to Ukraine

Peter Mueller/Bundeswehr via Getty Images

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) – Slovakia’s Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad says the United States will deploy a Patriot air defence system in his country next week.

Friday’s announcement came shortly after Slovakia donated its Soviet-era S-300 air defence system to Ukraine at its request. Nad previously said his country was willing to provide its S-300 long-range air defence missile system to Ukraine on condition it has a proper replacement.

Additionally, Germany and the Netherlands have agreed to send troops armed with Patriot missiles to Slovakia as part of a 2,100-strong force made up of soldiers from several NATO members states, including the US.

The force will form a battlegroup on Slovak territory to boost NATO defences on the alliance’s eastern flank.

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