Two Tunisian migrants were arrested in Rome after allegedly sexually abusing a teenage boy as well as his mother and livestreaming the abuse on Facebook.

The alleged incident took place in Rome and saw the 17-year-old male victim robbed and repeatedly abused by a pair of Tunisian migrants, supposedly aged 16 and 17, who lived in local migrant accommodation.

The pair approached the teen victim as he was about to head home for the evening and robbed him while holding a knife to his throat, claiming that they had already murdered a police officer that evening and would not hesitate to kill him as well, Il Giornale reports.

After taking ten euros from the victim, the two migrants made him drive to the San Basilio area of the city where they allegedly sexually abused him and livestreamed the abuse on Facebook. They then demanded the teen take them to his home where his mother and younger sister were.

After arriving at the teen’s home, the victim introduced the Tunisians to his mother as his friends while fearing for his life and the pair were given an additional 250 euros and some jewellery by the mother in the hope they would leave.

Instead, one of the Tunisians forced the mother to a bedroom in the home and sexually abused her. Following the abuse, the migrant demanded the victim make him food.

The pair of Tunisians are said to have finally decided to leave after the 17-year-old offered them a ride home, but instead of going to their accommodation they forced the teen to walk with them around the city, where they again abused him.

The migrants were only arrested after the mother of the teen called her husband, who was away on business, and the police used the victim’s phone to locate his car and arrest the two migrants. Following their arrest, the pair claimed they “wanted to have some fun.”

The incident is just the latest alleged case of sexual abuse committed by migrants that were either streamed on social media or recorded and shared on social media after the fact.

In 2017, two asylum seekers were put on trial for raping a Swedish girl and livestreaming the ordeal on Facebook.

Their lawyer claimed that the migrants did not understand what they had done had been rape.

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