Khan’s London: Satanist ‘Ripper’ Murderer Raped ‘Dead or Dying’ Victim

Metropolitan Police

A Satan-worshipping necrophiliac who murdered and raped a “vulnerable” woman in London was jailed for a minimum of 42 years at the Old Bailey on Friday.

Brian Sengendo, 26, repeatedly beat and stabbed 44-year-old Therasia Gordon before raping her “dead or dying” body in a random attack in London in 2020, having decided to “sacrifice” an “innocent”.

Tarot aficionado Sengendo then hid Gordon’s body in Burntfarm Ride in Enfield, north London, which was discovered three days later by a cyclist.

Alongside Gordon, Sengendo, who had recorded himself on his phone talking about Satanism, had two other victims.

All three were reportedly prostitutes he had targetted and planned to kill, the Daily Mail reports.

Sengendo’s first victim was an unnamed prostitute whom he lured back to his apartment and forced to recite Satanic verses such as “I sold my soul to the Devil” while making her perform sex acts on him at knifepoint.

The prostitute was told by Sengendo that he wanted to kill “an innocent” together with her, and had her agree to meet him again the following day.

“He told me to bring two kitchen knives. I told him that I didn’t have any knives and I didn’t want to kill anyone,” the unnamed woman told the court.  When she did meet Sengendo again in a van, he pulled a knife on her and reportedly exclaimed “I’ve got you now, you’re not going anywhere” and threatened to “f***ing kill” her if she tried to leave.

She only managed to escape his clutches by jumping out of the vehicle while it was moving.

The second victim, who has also remained anonymous, was also held at knifepoint upon entering Sengendo’s van. He forced her to perform a sex act while he told her: “This is what’s going to happen: I am going to rape you and I am going to enjoy raping you and you will do what I say or I will kill you”.

“He moved the knife from the front of my neck to my gut, I could feel the knife pushing against my gut area. The male seemed to enjoy telling me that the knife was there, and he kept asking me if I wanted to die,” she said in a statement.

After this second victim removed her seatbelt in an effort to escape, Sengendo stabbed her seven times — twice on either side of her neck, in her lower face, in her chest, and in her shoulder.

Following the attack, the victim was picked up by a police officer as she stumbled around bleeding in the streets.

Sengendo’s third and final known victim, Ms Gordon, was murdered in his van, with the rapist fleeing the scene with Gordon’s dead or dying body after a neighbour spotted him and called the police.

The convicted murderer initially denied charges of murder, attempted murder, rape, three counts of kidnap, two of threatening another with a weapon, and making a threat to kill, but later admitted the crimes and tried to escape justice by suggesting he was in a state of drug-induced psychosis while carrying out the attacks.

The court however dismissed this excuse, with a judge suggesting that Sengendo was a “proven liar and manipulator” simply attempting to “shift the blame” from himself.

“Sex workers — women, men, transgender — remain and will remain vulnerable. It is that vulnerability you took advantage of when you set out on a determined effort to kidnap, to rape, ultimately to kill a sex worker and then to violate sexually the dead or dying body,” the judge insisted.

The killer rapist was sentenced to a minimum of 42 years in prison with no parole eligibility until 2062 — far longer than the average “life” sentence in England.

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