‘You’re a Dirty N****r’ – Pro-Trump, Pro-Zemmour Black Activist Abused by Africans in Paris

French far-right party Reconquete! presidential candidate Eric Zemmour attends the politic
BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images

A supporter of French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour as well as President Donald Trump has been attacked in Paris by men described as being of “African and North African origin”.

Tanguy David, an 18-year old activist for French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour who has previously expressed supporter for former U.S. President Donald Trump, was attacked in the French capital on Friday evening.

“You’re a dirty n****r like the others!” Le Parisien reports the attackers — who are described as being of North African and African origin — as saying to David, who is of Malian origin.

“Why don’t you go back to your country?”

The young activist was reportedly able to escape his attackers and inform nearby police, who proceeded to arrest the three men.

However, according to a post on David’s social media, Friday did not mark the end of the young man’s troubles, with the Zemmour supporter reportedly being attacked again early on Sunday morning.

“I was leaving a Parisian café 40 minutes ago. Dozens of thugs were waiting outside,” David wrote online.

“[T]he manager of this cafe let me out through a back door,” he related. “I join the car waiting for me, and these scum surround me and utter insults: ‘you’re not French, we are’, ‘on the Koran that you’re a dirty white son of a bitch’, and so on.”

“Then, one of them opens the door. They hit me and spit on me,” David said. “The driver begged the scum to let us go.”

While David clarified that he is now safe, he also wrote that the second attack left him “deeply angry”.

“I had never seen such hatred, such madness in people’s eyes before,” the activist wrote in another post. “They were screaming, their faces disfigured with hate, banging on all the car windows, yelling jeers at me.”

“It’s what we call savages, that’s the right word,” he concluded.

While one of his supporters may have been attacked on the streets of Paris, populist French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour has remained true to his firebrand reputation.

Zemmour invoked Saint Michael the Archangel in a speech on French power on Saturday morning, emphasising the need for the country to maintain its “soul” and “independence”.

“In front of Mont-Saint-Michel, which is the patron saint of our paratroopers, I want to pay tribute to our soldiers, and to all those who died for France,” Zemmour said at the rally, according to his social media.

“Saint Michael is the leader of the celestial army. That is to say: the angel who leads the army of angels against that of demons, in the eternal battle between Good and Evil for millennia,” Zemmour said.

“I believe that nations also have a spiritual warfare to wage,” he added. “Each country must indeed defend its soul, its identity, its independence.”

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