‘F*** Your Mothers, Racist F***s!’ – Migrants Recorded Attacking Polish Border Guards

Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland

The Polish government has released more footage of illegal migrants trying to cross the frontier from Belarus, hurling objects and insults at border guards.

Thousands of mostly Middle Eastern and South Asian migrants have been pressing upon the borders of Poland and the neighbouring Baltic States of Lithuania and Latvia — all members of the European Union and NATO — for months, having been allowed into Alexander Lukashenko’s Belarus as tourists with the express purpose of having them head west as migrants to destabilise the EU.

Low-level clashes have continued along the frontier since the last major attempt to force the border was made in mid-November, when hundreds of migrants attacked Polish border guards, police officers, and soldiers including territorial reservists with missiles and even stun grenades and were beaten back with tear gas and water cannon.

Footage of one of the more recent smaller clashes was released by Poland’s Ministry of National Defence on December 9th, and shows migrants who have become aggressive after being caught approaching Polish border fortifications from the Belarusian side under the cover of darkness.

“Fuck your mothers, fuck your sisters!” a migrant can be heard screaming in English at the Poles, who are also targeted with objects thrown over the fence by the would-be border crossers.

“Motherfucking racists!” he yells for good measure. “Racist fucks!”

“The migrant movement is only a mean[s] to implement the strategy developed in the Kremlin” of “destabilising Poland and the entire eastern flank of NATO”, said Polish government spokesman Stanisław Żaryn of the border crisis more broadly in a recent statement.

Attributing ultimate blame for the crisis not to Lukashenko but to the allied Russian government, Żaryn alleged that “Lukashenka’s regime would not have dared to organise and conduct such a major operation against the West without the support of its political patron in the Kremlin,” and expressed irritation that “Russia is already presenting itself as a potential conciliator and negotiator” in the dispute with Minsk.

“It is known that the price of Russian ‘help’ in ‘calming the situation’ would be concessions to the Kremlin’s interests, and the benefits would in fact give it more opportunities to destabilise Europe. This is why the Russian authorities are so anxious not to associate Russia with the actions of the Lukashenka regime in any way,” he claimed, insisting that, nevertheless, “Russian involvement in this matter is obvious.”

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