Italy: Man Wears False Arm in Effort to Sidestep Coronavirus Vaccination

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A 50-year-old medical worker in Italy reportedly wore a silicone arm to his vaccination appointment in an attempt to dodge the shot and receive a vaccination certificate.

The incident occurred on Thursday in the northwest Italian city of Biella, according to the BBC. Nurse Filippa Bua, 60, said she realized something was off from the beginning. ”

“The color of the arm made me suspicious and I asked that man to discover the rest of his left arm,” she told Italian newspaper La Repubblica of her interaction with dentist Guido Russo. “It was well made but it didn’t have the same color.”

“Do you think I could have such a physique?” he reportedly quipped to Bua as he opened his shirt. 

Once he was found out, Bua says he asked her to pretend he received the shot “because he needed the Green Pass to work but he didn’t want to get the vaccine.”

“I asked him if he thought I was there to comb the dolls… I asked him how he could do such a thing,” she told La Repubblica. 

Local police are now investigating the incident, the BBC reports. 

The next morning, President of the Region Alberto Cirio called Bua about the incident. 

“It is incredible news, it seems like a joke but there is nothing to laugh about: it is a very serious fact,” Cirio said per La Repubblica. 

Cirio took to Facebook on Friday stating in part that the situation would be “ridiculous, if not we are talking about a gesture of enormous, unacceptable gravity.” 

SI PRESENTA A FARE IL VACCINO CON IL BRACCIO IN SILICONE PENSANDO DI INGANNARE GLI OPERATORI SANITARI. Ieri sera a Biella, in uno dei nostri centri vaccinali ad accesso diretto per le prime dosi, un cinquantenne si è presentato con un “finto braccio” (un deltoide in silicone), pensando di poter ingannare gli operatori sanitari, raggirare il sistema e ottenere così il Green pass senza aver realmente fatto il vaccino. Le cose sono però andate diversamente rispetto ai suoi piani. Nonostante l’applicazione in silicone fosse molto simile alla vera pelle, il colore e la percezione al tatto hanno insospettito l’operatrice sanitaria impegnata nella vaccinazione, che ha chiesto quindi alla persona di mostrare per intero il proprio braccio. Una volta scoperto, il soggetto ha cercato di convincere l’operatrice a chiudere un occhio. È stato invece denunciato ai Carabinieri e l’Asl segnalerà il caso anche in Procura.Il caso rasenta il ridicolo, se non fosse che parliamo di un gesto di una gravità enorme, inaccettabile di fronte al sacrificio che la pandemia sta facendo pagare a tutta la nostra comunità, in termini di vite umane e di costi sociali ed economici. La prontezza e la bravura dell’operatrice hanno rovinato i piani di questo soggetto che ora ne risponderà alla giustizia. Il nostro grazie va, invece, a tutti gli operatori sanitari impegnati ininterrottamente da mesi nella nostra campagna vaccinale senza mai abbassare l’attenzione e la professionalità, a cominciare proprio da chi ha agito con prontezza ieri sera a Biella.

Posted by Alberto Cirio on Friday, December 3, 2021

The ordeal occurred after the Italian government recently issued a decree of a more restrictive vaccine passport system.

The original “green pass” implemented heavy restrictions for those who are not vaccinated, and those who have not recovered from the virus, Breitbart News reported. The “Green Pass” did allow for citizens to provide a negative to curtail restrictions. 

Last month the Italian government approved a new decree that created the “Super Green Pass.” Under the new system, negative tests are not sufficient, and citizens must be vaccinated or recovered from the virus to receive a pass. 

“The green pass still applies in work spaces and has been extended to local public transportation,” CNN reports.

The implementation of the Green Pass at workplaces was a catalyst for October protests in Italy, with some turning violent. In November, “the government raided the homes of anti-vaccine passport protesters, arguing that dangerous elements were attempting to cause violence and chaos at demonstrations,” reported Breitbart News’s Chris Tomlinson.


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