Incoming German Chancellor Olaf Scholz revealed that he will push for a vaccine mandate for all German residents and blamed the unvaccinated for the recent surge in Chinese coronavirus cases in the country.

Mr Scholz, who leads the newly agreed left-globalist coalition and is expected to be sworn in as new German Chancellor early in December, expressed his support for making vaccines mandatory for all Germans on Tuesday. The successor to Angela Merkel caveated by saying that it would be left to the German parliament to vote for such a measure.

“I will vote for it,” Scholz said, adding: “My suggestion is that the time by which everyone has been vaccinated is not too far away, so my suggestion: early February or early March,” German newspaper Bild reports.

“What we need is a legislative procedure in which every member of parliament votes according to his conscience on a general vaccination obligation,” he said.

The incoming chancellor cast blame on unvaccinated people for the recent surge in coronavirus cases in Germany, saying: “It is the case that the fact that there are so many who have not been vaccinated is the reason why we have a problem today as a whole country.”

Scholz, the leader of the left-wing Social Democratic Party of Germany, refused to rule out wether those who refuse the jab would be punished under the mandate.

In neighbouring Austria, where a general vaccine mandate was announced for February of next year, the government has stated it will fine people as much as €7,200 (£6,136/$8,142) for not taking the vaccine. Previous reports have indicated that the unvaccinated may also face potential prison time.

Scholz also announced new Wuhan coronavirus regulations on Tuesday, including mask requirements in schools, a “booster offensive” by Christmas, and limiting retail — with the exception of supermarkets — and events to those fully vaccinated or those who have recovered from the virus.

People who are fully vaccinated will also be considered unvaccinated again if they do not take a booster dose within six months, Scholz added.

A recent poll conducted by YouGov revealed that nearly seven out of ten adults in Germany support mandatory vaccinations, with less than a quarter saying they were against the coercive measure.

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