French fishermen have vowed to disrupt the flow of goods to the UK within the week over a post-Brexit dispute over fishing rights in British waters.

French fishermen have said that they will disrupt the supply of goods entering Britain as early as this Friday after talks between the UK, the French government, and the European Commission over post-Brexit access to UK waters broke down.

France has claimed that the British government has unjustly denied 150 French boats access to UK waters.

The British government meanwhile has claimed that those denied licenses to fish in British waters had failed to prove that they had fished there previously and therefore have no right to access after the UK left the European Union.

As a result, angry French fishermen are threatening to take matters into their own hands by blocking freight bound for the UK from leaving Calais port, reports The Guardian.

Olivier Leprêtre, the president of the influential Regional Fishing Committee that represents the interests of Fishermen in Northern France, made clear that the aim of any blockade would be to target an already fragile British supply chain.

“We are aiming more to target exports, because we don’t want to harm the French economy,” Leprêtre stated during a meeting with disgruntled Fishermen. “We want to affect the UK’s economy.”

“The poor British are already lacking some products since Brexit, and unfortunately they’re about to be lacking a few more,” Leprêtre continued.

“Britain wants access to the European market? They should give us the licences. We’ve been waiting 11 months.”

The details of the action being taken by the Fisherman are to be made final on Thursday, with the blockade set to begin as early as Friday, when supposedly “all cross-Channel traffic and all freight [to the UK] will be blocked.”

The French government had previously threatened to block British fishermen from landing their catches in French ports, as well as bumping up custom checks between the two nations should the UK government fail to issue more permits.

Some Ministers also reportedly believe that French President Emmanuel Macron is currently attempting to punish the UK over Brexit, using the likes of the ongoing English Channel Migrant Crisis to damage Britain.