Sir David Amess MP’s suspected killer has been named as Ali Harbi Ali by Whitehall officials speaking to the press, who say they have identified him as the son of a man who worked for Somalia’s government.

Harbi Ali Kullane, described as “a former adviser to the prime minister of Somalia” by The Sunday Times, told that newspaper at his sister’s London home that news of his son’s arrest following Sir David’s killing had “traumatised” him.

Police are yet to officially confirm the suspect’s reported migration background, with news outlets including the state-backed BBC variously describing him as being of “Somali heritage”, “Somali origin”, or “Somali descent”, citing government and security sources.

Efforts by Breitbart London to clarify whether the suspect is a Somali migrant granted British citizenship, a British-born dual national, or an exclusive British citizen from a Somali family with the police have so far been unsuccessful, with Essex Police referring questions to the Metropolitan Police and the Metropolitan Police refusing to elaborate on their description of the suspect as simply “A 25-year-old British man” at this time.

The Sunday Times claims that the suspect was born in the United Kingdom, but it is not clear how they verified this.

The Metropolitan Police have confirmed that their suspect, who has been arrested but not yet charged, has been transferred to London and his detention extended by the grant of a warrant under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

This warrant will stand until Friday, 22nd October, allowing officers to hold the suspect without charge for longer than would usually be permitted while their investigation continues.

Previously, they have indicated that “a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism” is suspected.

The BBC claims that Ali, as they have identified him, “was referred to the counter-terrorist Prevent scheme some years ago, but was never a formal subject of interest to MI5” — Britain’s domestic intelligence agency.

They added that it is “thought Mr Ali did not spend long in the Prevent programme”, to which people suspected of radical tendencies can be referred by concerned members of the public.

This story is developing…

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