Greek teachers who refuse to take the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine or to be regularly tested could face cuts to their salaries or even suspension under rules being considered by the Education Ministry, a Greek newspaper claims.

According to a report from the newspaper I Kathimerini, the ministry is looking at implementing measures to discipline teachers and administrators, both at schools and universities, who refuse to take the vaccine as of early September when the new academic year starts.

The newspaper claims that teachers could be suspended without pay until they receive the coronavirus vaccine. Both full-time and contract workers could face measures that will prevent them from receiving future promotions, as well.

As of last week, around 70 per cent of teachers across the country have been fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus. While educators could face disciplinary action, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had said at the time that vaccines would not be mandatory for teachers as long as they can produce a regular negative test.

The possible measures come just weeks after I Kathimerini reported that students could also be required to present proof of vaccination or a negative weekly test to attend in-person classes when universities open.

Greek Interior Minister Makis Voridis also stated in July that civil servants would be disciplined if they refuse to take the vaccine.

“Under current law, there is a legal obligation and, in some professions, employers and employees are required to meet certain health requirements. The employer has a responsibility,” Voridis said.

“When vaccination becomes mandatory, those who do not comply with the obligation enter into a process in which they have violated their legal obligations,” he said.

While Greece looks to impose penalties on those who do not take the vaccine, the country has also tried incentives to boost vaccination numbers, particularly among young people, offering a €150 ($180/£130) “freedom pass” to those 18 to 25 who get the vaccine.

Greece has seen a recent surge in new coronavirus cases, and last week the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control warned tourists against visiting the popular islands in the Aegean, labelling them high-risk areas.

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