Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will put forward a referendum asking Hungarians if they want LGBT and gender issues taught to children in a move to head off pressure from the European Union.

Prime Minister Orbán announced on Wednesday that the country would be holding a referendum regarding the law, which has triggered major controversy abroad, banning the teaching of gender and LGBT issues to children in Hungarian schools.

“Brussels has clearly attacked Hungary in recent weeks over the child protection law. Hungarian law does not allow sexual propaganda in kindergartens, schools, TV shows and advertisements,” the Hungarian leader said.

Prime Minister Orbán noted that the European Union wants the government to amend the laws, saying: “They disapprove of the fact we do not allow what has already become established in western Europe.”

“There, LGBTQ activists visit kindergartens and schools and conduct sexual education classes,” he said and claimed “bureaucrats in Brussels” want the same to occur in Hungary and have threatened legal action as a result.

The referendum will see Hungarians asked five questions, including asking if they support public education presentations on subjects such as sexual orientation to minors without parental authorisation and promotion of gender reassignment treatments for minors.

Other questions ask Hungarians if they support gender reassignment treatments being made available to minors and children being shown media content “of a sexual nature” or that “demonstrates gender reassignment”.

Members of the European Union have criticised the Hungarian law, claiming it is discriminatory towards the LGBT community in the country. Some criticise the fact the law contains clauses against pedophiles and clauses restricting LGBT education, claiming it conflates the two spheres.

Vice President of the European Parliament Katarina Barley, a member of the German Social Democrats (SPD), stated this week that the EU should cut off funding to Hungary and Poland, against both of which the EU has launched legal procedures over LGBT issues.

“The Commission must now act immediately and block EU funds, especially for Hungary, but also for Poland,” Barley said.

The Hungarian referendum comes after the country held a similar referendum in October 2016, then on the question of mass migration and saw 95 per cent of Hungarians say no to EU migrant redistribution plans.

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