Delingpole: Thousands Converge on London for Anti-Lockdown Rally. Ignored Again by MSM

Video Source: Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart News

Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters converged in Central London on Saturday. Yet again, all too predictably, it was largely ignored by the mainstream media.

The aim of the latest march, one of the anonymous organisers told me beforehand, was to broaden the protest’s appeal. “We’ve even got double-vaccinated people turning up to support us,” he said.

Video Source: Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart News

Sure enough, the rally attracted lots of newcomers, including Church of England curate Jamie Franklin (host of the Irreverend podcast) who had turned up in his cassock for his first-ever protest march.

He said:

I feel that there are vast swathes of society who are not being represented by the government and I want to be a voice for them. We see the corruption in the government: it’s one rule for them, another rule for everyone else. People are sick of this corruption. They can see the immorality. They can see the lies. And they want this to end right now.

Once again, the crowd was a great deal more diverse than you’d encounter at an Extinction Rebellion rally or a Black Lives Matter rally, where the crowds tend to be much more white and middle class.


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