Pakistani Arrested after Allegedly Raping 65-Year-Old Greek Woman

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Green police have arrested a 30-year-old migrant from Pakistan on suspicion of breaking into the home of a 65-year-old woman and raping her.

The migrant had broken into the senior citizen’s home in Thebes, entering through a balcony door in what was suspected of having initially been a robbery attempt.

According to a report from the Greek newspaper Proto Thema, the migrant instead turned his attention to the 65-year-old, who was home alone, and raped her.

The Pakistani then fled the scene, and the woman called the police. Due to the clear description given by the victim, officers were able to locate and detain the suspect a short time later.

Following the arrest, the 65-year-old woman was called in to positively identify the Pakistani and undergo a forensic examination to confirm the sexual assault. The Pakistani remains in custody as his case is referred for investigation to a local prosecutor.

The incident comes just weeks after another Pakistani migrant in the suburbs of Athens was arrested after being accused of attempting to rape underage girls and a young woman over the course of several days.

According to Greek media reports, the 34-year-old migrant attempted to sexually abuse three underage girls in Vari, Voula, and Vouliagmeni. He was later identified after a 22-year-old woman caught him on video during a fourth attack and Greek police were able to identify and locate him.

In March, a Pakistani migrant in Crete was arrested for attempting to rape a local woman and is also said to have pulled a knife to threaten her. The attempted rape failed due to the intervention of a bystander, but the woman suffered injuries to her neck and nose.

Police later informed the victim that she was not the only alleged victim of the Pakistani, who is suspected of sexually assaulting five other women.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)


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