Prime Minister Boris Johnson has threatened that if Britons are not following coronavirus rules — “we may have to do more” — and impose stricter measures.

Mr Johnson made the remarks on Monday after media reported sources saying that the government was considering enforcing harsher measures, including banning Britons from leaving the house more than once a week.

The prime minister said, according to the Evening Standard: “We’re going to keep the rules under constant review. Where we have to tighten them, we will.”

He continued: “In supermarkets, people need to be keeping their distance, making sure that they’re wearing masks, doing the right thing.

“We need to enforce the rules in supermarkets. When people are getting takeaway drinks, in cafes, then they need to avoid spreading the disease there, avoid mingling too much.”

Reiterating the point that the government will crack down harder on people’s freedoms if they are perceived to not be abiding by lockdown rules, he added: “Of course, if we feel that things are not being properly observed then we may have to do more.”

The remarks come after Sunday’s Cabinet coronavirus meeting, with a government source telling the Evening Standard earlier on Monday that the prime minister’s concern was sparked by seeing so many people out of their houses and taking fresh air in London’s parks.

“But he did note how busy the park was and he commented on it at the meeting last night. He was concerned about if people were following the rules,” the source said.

London’s free evening newspaper later suggested that the prime minister was not following his own lockdown advice, however, after reporting claims that Johnson was seen cycling around Olympic Park on Sunday afternoon, seven miles from his Downing Street residence, with his security detail.

While Britons are still allowed to take outdoor exercise — “limited to once per day” — government guidance stipulates that “you should not travel outside your local area”.

talkRADIO host Julia Hartley-Brewer remarked of the report: “You couldn’t’ make it up… It’s almost like the people making the rules (or demanding them) don’t think the rules apply to them, isn’t it?”

The newspaper said that Downing Street would not confirm if Mr Johnson were driven to the park or cycled the whole way. However, seven miles is further than what Matt Hancock may agree would constitute “local” after the health secretary gave police his full support for fining two women last week for driving five miles to a nature reserve to take a walk.

The two women from Derbyshire described police descending on them as they pulled up to park at the beauty spot, having their rights read to them, and fined £200 each.

Meanwhile, the enforcement of mask-wearing is creeping from inside public venues to outside, after London’s Borough Market became the first outdoor space to mandate Britons covering their faces.

From Monday, customers and vendors not wearing a mask could be fined £50, which can be enforced due to the area’s own set of bylaws, according to The Telegraph.

Late last week, it was reported that police officers had been instructed to crack down on rule-breakers, being ready to issue fines of £200 if Britons do not do as they are told the first time.