France’s Emmanuel Macron Tests Positive for Coronavirus

France's President Emmanuel Macron speaks to the press as he arrives at the EU headquarter
JOHN THYS/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

French President Emmanuel Macron has tested positive for coronavirus, the Elysée Palace has confirmed.

Mr Macron’s office said on Thursday that the president took a test after presenting symptoms, and will self-isolate for the next seven days.

The French premier “is still in charge” and will be working from home whilst in quarantine, according to the BBC.

The Elysée Palace said that while it is not known how the leader contracted the Chinese virus, it was contacting those with whom the president had interacted.

Last week, Mr Macron met with several world leaders, including the heads of state at the European Council and Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, reports Le Figaro.

France’s Prime Minister Jean Castex is isolating as a precaution, though reportedly is not showing any symptoms.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez will also be in quarantine, suspending all public activities, as he had met with Macron on Monday.

The news comes as France imposed a night-time curfew, between 8 pm and 6 am, forcing many businesses such as restaurants and bars to close.

The United Kingdom’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, wished Mr Macron well, saying: “Sorry to hear my friend has tested positive for coronavirus. We are all wishing you a speedy recovery.”

Prime Minister Johnson had contracted the virus in April, experiencing such severe symptoms that he had to be hospitalised and placed in intensive care, receiving oxygen therapy. While he was never ventilated, he did speak after his recovery of doctors discussing the invasive measure, used in the most serious cases.

“[T]he bad moment came when it was 50-50 whether they were going to have to put a tube down my windpipe,” Mr Johnson said.

On Friday, October 5th, U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for the Chinese virus. Unlike his British ally, President Trump recovered swiftly and was photographed leaving Walter Reed Hospital the following Monday on his return to the White House.

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