A Swiss health economist has said that “corona rebels” should be denied intensive care treatment in hospitals if they catch the Wuhan virus.

Willy Oggier, described as a “renowned Swiss health economist” in a report by Swiss daily newspaper Blick, made the remarks during an interview with TA-Media this week.

“When hospitals reach their limit, doctors must begin to choose who can be hospitalised and who cannot. I believe, therefore, that it is fairer for a self-styled corona rebel to stay out than to lose a bed for an older patient,” he said.

The health economist added that those who ignore hygiene and social distancing rules should be held responsible and identified by name.

Oggier also noted that he was in favour of mandatory vaccinations against the coronavirus, a policy the British government under Prime Minister Boris Johnson has so far not ruled out.

“We have to watch what happens, and you have to make judgments accordingly,” Health Secretary Matt Hancock said earlier this week.

While no country has limited hospital treatment for those sceptical of the coronavirus, some of those who have questioned aspects of the disease have seen pushback.

Professor Michael Levitt, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist, was “cancelled” by the First International Biodesign Research Conference, where he was set to give a keynote speech in December, after complaints from other speakers over his remarks regarding the virus.

Social media giants have been especially active in censoring coronavirus sceptics on their platforms, including members of the medical community in the United States.

Both Facebook and Twitter removed a video of several frontline doctors posted by Breitbart News in July after it had acquired millions of views in a matter of hours.

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