Peraslingam Nanthvavaraman, a failed asylum seeker who remained in Britain illegally, has been jailed after raping a woman in a Wimpy burger restaurant in the city of Brighton.

Nanthvavaraman was handed a short prison sentence at Lewes Crown Court, where the jury heard that the “thrill-seeking” 40-year-old, who was a manager at the burger shop, lied about having a wife and child to gain his victim’s trust.

He left his victim bruised and unconscious in the March 8th attack. Her partner discovered her at the restaurant in a state of undress and called for an ambulance.

People close to the woman had been concerned about her whereabouts. But when family members tried to ring her phone, it was answered by Nanthvavaraman, who had turned off CCTV and extinguished lights in the Wimpy prior to carrying out the attack, according to The Argus.

Nanthvavaraman, a Tamil who had supposedly “escaped persecution” in Sri Lanka, was arrested at the scene of the crime and remanded in custody after traces of his DNA were found on the victim’s body.

Detective Sergeant Jemma Paterson said: “This was a horrific ordeal for the victim as Nanthvavaraman completely violated her trust in this pre-meditated assault.

“It was an extremely distressing incident for the victim and her family, who had to witness some of the events that occurred that night.

“I would like to praise the bravery of the victim following the traumatic ordeal she was subjected to. No one should have to be a victim of this sort of crime, and we urge anyone who has been to get in contact with us.”

The migrant was handed an eight-year term, but this may not refect the amount of time he will actually spend in custody, as criminals in Britain are typically freed on licence automatically halfway or, more rarely, two-thirds of the way through their sentences.

Breitbart London reported last month how Brighton, a famously left-liberal city known for having a large LGBT community, announced its intention to become Britain’s first official “anti-racist” metropolis.

Under its new “anti-racism strategy”, the city has since June brought in a host of measures including “launching a new fund for black and ethnic minority (BME) groups in the city, tackling racism and bias in schools [and] celebrating the legacies that reflect the city’s values”.

Brighton is also a self-styled “city of sanctuary” for illegal aliens and asylum seekers.

Brighton previously hit the headlines in 2016 when it was reported that the city council was asking four-year-olds their “gender identity” before they even reached school.

The move followed Brighton & Hove City Council’s launch of its controversial “Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit” designed to “support transgender and gender questioning” children.

Despite outcry from concerned parents, “there [was] a refusal to make any changes to the Toolkit” from the council.

There was also been “a refusal to take on board any criticism”, according to a Children’s Rights Impact Assessment concerning the document, by the campaign group Transgender Trend.

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