Hillary Tells UK News Rioters are ‘Tiny, Tiny Minority’ of BLM, Trump Has ‘Hijacked’ Christianity

Former US Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses a press confe
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Hillary Clinton said that violent looters and rioters are a “tiny, tiny minority” of the Black Lives Matter movement and accused President Trump of trying to “hijack Christianity” in a soft-ball interview with British news broadcaster Kay Burley.

The supposedly impartial Sky News broadcaster, who at one point in the interview said she “wanted to come over and give [Mrs Clinton] a hug” after spotting her at a restaurant following her 2016 election defeat, led the former Senator and Secretary of State by saying she wanted to ask her “specifically” about “the fact” that President Trump “used tear gas on the protesters” outside St. John’s Episcopal Church.

“They were totally peaceful protesters!” waxed the former First Lady enthusiastically.

Neither Mrs Clinton nor Burley mentioned that BLM activists had earlier set the historic church on fire, or the fact, in any case, the police long ago made it clear that no tear gas was used during the incident, despite inaccurate media reports asserting that it was.

“[W]hat [President Trump] was trying to do [at the church], as he often does, is to mischaracterise [Black Lives Matter supporters] and their behaviour and their goals and lump them in with a tiny, tiny minority of people who took advantage of a tragic moment to loot, and to steal, and to vandalise — a tiny, tiny percentage,” Mrs Clinton insisted.

“[President Trump] wanted to cast that [criminality] over the millions of, you know, very thoughtful, non-violent, peaceful protesters.”

“For a photo opportunity,” the impartial Burley chipped in helpfully.

“Well, absolutely!” replied Mrs Clinton, warming to the theme the British broadcaster had offered her.

“For a photo opportunity holding a book he’s never read,” she added.

“He says that it’s one of his favourite books,” replied Burley.

“Yes, and he cant tell you a single thing that’s in it, that has been a pattern, he’s tried to hijack, uh, Christianity and the Bible in ways that are, you know, deeply hypocritical, and that was just another occasion,” Clinton replied.

Elsewhere in the interview Mrs Clinton attacked President Trump’s record on tackling the Chinese coronavirus and blamed Russia, WikiLeaks, and former FBI director James Comey, in particular, for costing her the 2016 presidential race.

She further claimed that “Russian interference [and] manipulation of social media” were still issues heading into the November 2020 presidential election, and would “have to be addressed by the [Joe] Biden campaign and, I hope, by the press” to ensure that “people aren’t fooled again”.

She did predict that Biden would defeat Trump, however.

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