Emma Thompson Stars as Vegan Eco-Loon in Extinction Rebellion Movie

emma thompson

Emma Thompson is to star as a climate activist in a short film by the eco-fascist protest group Extinction Rebellion (XR).

In the 12-minute film Extinction, the Oscar-winning actress plays one of a group of XR activists who go to London to meet Lord Grant, the fictitious Environment Secretary.

According to the Times [of London] Thompson’s character:

“…bursts into the Whitehall meeting late wearing dungarees painted with the group’s logo and throws her feet onto the table, refusing some bottled water ‘because plastic is a sin’.

The somewhat haphazard activists remonstrate with the unyielding minister, who tells them ‘people are not ready for the truth’ about climate change.”

Thompson reportedly made her own costume from ‘sustainable sources’ for the production, travelled to the set by public transport and ate vegan cuisine with the ‘carefully gender-balanced’ cast and crew.

The film echoes a real-life meeting which Extinction Rebellion had in April last year with the real Environment Secretary Michael Gove.

According to a Guardian report:

Clare Farrell, one of the Extinction Rebellion activists who met Gove, said: “It was less shit than I thought it would be, but only mildly.

“I was surprised to hear a radical reflection on our economic paradigm from Michael Gove when he talked about how our model is extractive and destructive, and that we need to move to a circular model [of economic production].

“And [he agreed that] a debt-based economy doesn’t do right by young people, that it is creating a huge debt for them and it has to change.”

The film is to be released on May 1 to mark the anniversary of the UK becoming the first country to declare a climate emergency.

It also stars Rakhee Thakrar, who has appeared in Netflix’s Sex Education.


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